Improving Efficiency Through Bespoke Combustion Solutions: BNG Spray
#NASSCOMCoE #BnGSpray #TataSteelThe Gandhinagar-based Center of Excellence(CoE) - IoT & AI recently concluded the third edition of the Manufacturing Innovation Challenge(MIC 3.0). Pro MFG Media is the exclusive media partner for the MIC series, organized by CoE, NASSCOM. BNG Spray is one of the winners of the challenge.
In pursuit of bridging the gap between manufacturing companies with complex operational issues and new age technology solution providers, NASSCOM's Gandhinagar-based Center of Excellence(CoE) - IoT & AI recently concluded the third edition of the Manufacturing Innovation Challenge(MIC 3.0). Pro MFG Media is the exclusive media partner for the MIC series, organized by CoE, NASSCOM.
The winners for the recently concluded third edition of Manufacturing Innovation Challenge were selected on the basis of their innovative technological solutions to some of the complex use cases put forth by large scale manufacturing organizations.
BNG Spray and the MIC Journey
Having emerged as one of the four coveted winners of the Manufacturing Innovation Challenge 3.0 among 75 odd startup entities, the BNG Spray team addressed the complex coke oven gas pipelines choking issue for Tata Steel. The choking was mostly caused by impurities like naphthalene, coal tar, etc carried by the gas. These blockages, in turn, caused disruptions to the end users by causing unplanned shutdowns. Since the gas was to be used in several units of Tata Steel, it was a longstanding complexity that needed to be resolved. In fact, locating the blockages within the vast network of pipelines was time consuming and often led to productivity loss for the steel manufacturing giant.
To address this, Arindam and team came up with their predictive heat transfer and computational fluid dynamics based solution that could predict the magnitude of aerosol deposition along the entire length of the pipeline.
During the problem solving process, sensors were installed along the pipeline and the data regarding the same is to be collected through a PLC, SCADA and IoT based system into the central server. Thereafter, the data is processed, enabling the user to see the predictive data available on BNG Spray's web browser. With their bespoke solution, Arindam and team has helped Tata Steel save hugely on time by minimizing the downtime through successful identification of blockage locations across the 80-kilometer long pipeline network.
About Team BNG
With a vision to improve the margins of India's manufacturing mills by improving the energy efficiency, Arindam Ghatak, a Mechanical Engineer from IIT-Kharagpur and a post grad from the Ohio State University, founded BNG Spray Solutions in the year 2018.
As the Founder and CEO of BNG, Arindam looks after the day-to-day operations and financial performance of the company, he is joined by two of his fellow teammates. As one of the Co-founders, Sakthikumar R. leads the research and development. Simultaneously, Co-founder and Design Head at BNG, Ajith S. Nair oversees the new product designing functions along with the R&D engineers.
The focus area that BNG Spray Solutions intends to address is that of offering energy efficient spray and combustion systems for the industry. In June 2020, BNG received a startup seed funding of Rs. 25 lakhs from MRPL (Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.).
Offerings and USPs at BNG
Based out of the Bengaluru in India, one of the USPs that the promising new startup boasts of is their Zirconia-based oxygen sensors for furnace fuel gases, which is a first to be manufactured within India and at one-fifth the price of the imported version of the product. Typically, BNG supplies nozzles if a customer has an existing system in place, often supplied by a different supplier.
Another offering by the team is fog cannons for dust prone areas that considerably aids working conditions and productivity of the workers across coal mines, slag dumping areas, steel plants, etc.
The spray and combustion testing services provided by their fully functional laboratories can help in designing rocket engines, fuel injectors, etc. In addition to this, the company also offers customized nozzle designing. Currently a lean team of three, Arindam believes building the sales network for BNG Spray Solutions might just be one of the greatest challenges in the days to come.
The promising team at BNG is constantly working towards designing new burner designs and control systems along with the Zirconia-based sensors, which they are able to provide at one-fifth the prices of the imported versions. Incidentally, this is part of the biggest objective of team BNG, which is to make the furnaces across the country as efficient as one possibly can.