Experts from India and the United States discuss challenges and opportunities to combat Climate Change
#CarbonCapture #ClimateChange #cleanenergy“Under a strict climatic regime, we can realize the identification and adoption of a right balance of portfolio of emission curtailment technologies. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) is among one such key pathways to reduce emissions while continuing to develop sustainably at an unprecedented pace.” - Dr. S Chandrasekhar, Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India
January 2022: Experts from India and US discussed the challenges and opportunities to combat climate change through technology-led Carbon Capture and Utilisation solutions at the Indo-US Scoping Workshop on Carbon Capture held on 21st January 2022, jointly organized by DST India and DoE USA.
Dr. S Chandrasekhar, Secretary, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India, said that at the recently concluded COP-26 at Glasgow, the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi brought forth the country’s remarkable performance as well as ambitions to meet the climate goals despite being one of the fastest growing economies in the world. “The PM has given a mandate for all of us to become a net-zero emissions nation by the year 2070,” Dr. S Chandrasekhar highlighted in his opening remarks.
Under a strict climatic regime, we can realize the identification and adoption of a right balance of portfolio of emission curtailment technologies. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) is among one such key pathways to reduce emissions while continuing to develop sustainably at an unprecedented pace. CCUS clearly aligns with five of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely, climate action; clean energy; industry, innovation, and infrastructure; responsible consumption and production; and partnerships to achieve the goals,” he said at the first workshop on thematic of Carbon Capture.
Dr. Chandrasekhar briefed about the recent initiatives of the Department of Science and Technology towards technology-led RD&D in the area of CCUS. He informed that DST India became part of the transnational multilateral platforms such as Mission Innovation and Accelerating CCUS Technologies (ACT) along with other member countries, including USA for Collaborative RD&D in the area of CCUS. He further added that the Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India, and Department of Energy, USA are jointly organizing these series of Indo US Scoping Workshops on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage scheduled to be held from 21st January 2022 to 25th February 2022 for exploring the complementary strengths and gaps in the area of CCUS between the two countries and evolve collaborative techno- led endeavours for together working towards achieving net Zero Carbon goals.
Dr. Jennifer Wilcox, Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM), U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE), USA, said that India is a valuable partner in developing new technologies to help in combating climate & clean energy goals. This partnership was underscored when last year Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched a new "India-US Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership,” which envisages bilateral cooperation on strong actions in the current decade to meet the goals.
Dr. Wilcox gave an overview of the US initiatives regarding clean energy and said it is a global crisis and requires a global response in clean energy technologies and an international partnership to achieve carbon net-zero status. She hoped that this workshop would provide an opportunity to broaden and deeper collaborations & engagements.